YunoHost was not installed

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: 11.2
How are you able to access your server: Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue

Installed along with Manjaro in old laptop, so I used the expert mode when installing it (otherwise, the installation process would wiped out the hard drive). Everything was fine and got Debian running from the regular hardware installation ISO. When it finished, I rebooted the computer, logged in as root (I installed no DE beacuse I just want to use it as a local server) and tried to log in from another computer going to https://yunohost.local/, but nothing was found. I tried the yunohost tools postinstall command but “the command was not found”, I checked if the command was there with dpkg --list | grep " yunohost " and nothing was printed out (neither with dpkg --list | grep "yunohost" (no spaces)).

What can I do?

Share relevant logs or error messages

I can’t access to Tools > Logs > green.

Sounds like this is our “new” iso which actually doesn’t run the yunohost install when it boots on the legacy (?) boot (BIOS?) instead of the new thingy (“isolinux” boot)

I gotta test the new-new image to see if my fix does address the issue … but in the meantime you can run the “manual” install using curl | bash (which is equivalent to installing yunohost through the iso)

I asked the Matrix chat, and I think this happened because in the desktop environment screen I selected the last 3 options, including webserver.

After installing curl and typing curl | bash, it said “Apache is installed on your system. Yunohost conflicts with apache2 because it requires nginx. To be able to run this script, you should first run apt remove apache2 --purge --autoremove”.

I followed the instructions and now I got to install yunohost. Although yunohost tools postinstall forces me to create a brand new user different than root and the normal user I made, so I think I’ll try to remove this normal user and create it again during the postinstall process.

But first, I’m trying to open the port 22 to connect through SSH.

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