I noticed messages from Matrix arrive cca. 7 minutes later to XMPP – incl. the timestamp, so they display out of order.
For messages from XMPP to Matrix I noticed a (sub) 1 minute delay – but they keep the correct timestamp, so magically pop up between already delivered messages.
On a related note, I could not even join any MUC on @conference.yunohost.org earlier today due to the server not being accessible.
Aujourd’hui j’ai noté que les messages de Matrix à XMPP arrivent cca. 7 minutes en retard – inclus leurs horodatages, et donc ils s’affichent dans le désordre.
Les messages de XMPP à Matrix arrivent (moins que) 1 minute en retard – mais leurs horodatages restent vrai, et donc ces messages de XMPP apparent comme magique entre des autres messages ainsi transmises.
À propos, je n’ai pas pu joindre quelqu’un MUC dans @conference.yunohost.org plus tôt dans la journée en raison de l’indisponibilité du serveur.
If anyone tackles this, while you’re at it, it may be fair to mention in the Matrix/XMPP channels/rooms that they are bridged, but not with IRC anymore.
23/01 We have been sorting out post-migration issues with the Kubernetes Cluster network fabric integration into our internal WAN infrastructure which may have caused service intermittence, sorry for the inconvenience.
18/01 We finished migrating the cluster, we’re slowly bringing back up every service as we speak.
18/01 We will be bringing down our instant messaging services at around 12:00 CET to migrate our Kubernetes cluster, sorry for the inconvenience, we will provide eventual ETAs during the migration.
16/01 We resolved an issue that caused streaming updates to not function properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
15/01 We cleared up old media bigger than 50KB and accessed before 2022/12/31 23:59.