đź“© YunoHost needs you to vote!

[EN] YunoHost needs you to vote!


  1. We are celebrating: as of this week there are no more apps running on packaging v1.
    Huge thanks to all contributors who helped migrate the hundreds of apps, U rox!

  2. Packagers and maintainers need your input: please vote for the apps that are most useful to you, so that we can prioritize our efforts.
    To do this, go to the catalog, log in and give a star to your favorite apps!

[FR] YunoHost a besoin que vous votiez !

  1. Cette excellente nouvelle, d’abord : depuis ce milieu de semaine, il n’y a plus d’applications fonctionnant sur le système de packaging v1.
    Un énorme merci à tous les contributeurices qui ont aidé à migrer nos centaines d’applications, vos efforts nous sont précieux !

  2. Si vous utilisez ou comptez utiliser YunoHost pour auto-héberger vos services et les données de votre communauté, les packagereuses et les mainteneureuses ont besoin que vous vous exprimiez : nous vous invitons à vous prononcer pour les applications qui vous sont les plus utiles, afin que nous puissions prioriser nos efforts.
    Pour ce faire, rendez-vous sur le catalogue, connectez-vous et affectez une étoile à vos applications préférées. Merci beaucoup !


:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
Incredible !

1 Like

Done ! :v:


I feel like, if you’re prioritizing efforts on apps with a lot of stars, then you are misplacing your efforts.

The apps with many stars are likely apps in good working condition, and do not need effort currently. On the other hand, there are many apps that aren’t being used due to their poor current implementation, and as such aren’t being starred. I believe that these are the ones that need your efforts most. Some of them have the potential to be crowd favorites, but function so poorly currently that no one will use them for fear of bricking their instance (such as Pi-hole. Could have many stars, but doesn’t work, and breaks DNSMasq permanently)

At least these apps need attention:
Discourse (?)


I agree.