Yunohost-firewall did not start any more

Again I have problems with yunohost firewall - now it did not start anymore:
I am using YunoHost 11.2.22 (stable) on a Debian 11 system.

yunohost service restart yunohost-firewall
Jul 21 18:02:21 systemd[1]: Starting yunohost-firewall.service - YunoHost Firewall…
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/bin/yunohost”, line 77, in
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: yunohost.cli(
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/”, line 41, in cli
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: ret = moulinette.cli(
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/”, line 110, in cli
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: Cli(
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/”, line 500, in run
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/”, line 574, in process
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: return func(**arguments)
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/”, line 250, in firewall_reload
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: if ssh_port not in firewall_list()[“opened_ports”]:
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/”, line 212, in firewall_list
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: set(f[“TCP”]) | set(f[“UDP”]),
Jul 21 18:02:22 yunohost[14792]: KeyError: ‘UDP’
Jul 21 18:02:22 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 21 18:02:22 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Jul 21 18:02:22 systemd[1]: Failed to start yunohost-firewall.service - YunoHost Firewall.

  • Whats wrong here?
  • Which firewall is debian using by default? Is it possible there are some collisions?
  • Which firewall software did yunohost use?
  • is it possible to replace it with another and deactivate it in yunohost - and how?
  • where is defined which settings must be set in firewall.yml

Have you been doing specific tweaking before this started to happen …?

What’s the content of firewall.yml ?

  • does the yunohost firewall use iptables/nftables?
  • where is the file format of firewall.yml defined?
  - 25
  - 53
  - 80
  - 443
  - 587
  - 993
  - 5222
  - 5269
  - 4190
  - 27775  
  - 53
  - 5353
  - 25
  - 53
  - 80
  - 443  

Even if yunohost-firewall did not start there are closed ports shown by…

root@yuno:/etc# yunohost diagnosis show ports
  description: Ports exposure
  id: ports
        - Exposing this port is needed for email features (service postfix)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 25 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for web features (service nginx)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 80 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for web features (service nginx)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 443 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for email features (service postfix)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 587 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for email features (service dovecot)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 993 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for xmpp features (service metronome)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 5222 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for xmpp features (service metronome)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 5269 is not reachable from the outside.
        - Exposing this port is needed for [?] features (service ssh)
        - To fix this issue, you most probably need to configure port forwarding on your internet router as described in
      status: ERROR
      summary: Port 27775 is not reachable from the outside.


I don’t know, the code ? It’s not exactly supposed to be edited by hand … Did you edit it by hand ?


Yes i edited it by hand (trying to open the ports for minidlna) Isn’t that a reason why yaml is used for configuration files, so it is editable manually?
It seems the yunohost firewall didn’t work for a while.
I like the simplicity of yunohost, but I miss transparency. For example which ports will be opened by which app. Or - how can I reset the yunohost-firewall - which seems to be an interface for iptable and not a firewall - to default state?

After using an old version of firewall.yml the yunohost-firewall service could be started from the web interface.
But asking

yunohost diagnosis show


        details: You can try to restart the service, and if it doesn't work, have a look at the service logs in the webadmin (from the command line, you can do this with 'yunohost service restart yunohost-firewall' and 'yunohost service log yunohost-firewall').
        status: ERROR
        summary: Service yunohost-firewall is failed :(

Even if I restart it with

yunohost service restart yunohost-firewall

On https://[mydomain]/yunohost/admin/#/services/yunohost-firewall I can see the firewall is working fine.

Is it working or isn’t it? The question is: Does the command line diagnosis or the diagnosis of the web interface fail?

This yunohost firewall interface is not a solution, it is a problem. Better using

sudo iptables -S

No, it’s used because it’s a well-known format to store bits of configuration. And yes maybe if you absolutely know what you’re doing, it’s convenient that it can be edited by hand, but the primary mean of interaction should be the webadmin and the yunohost cli. It’s not like we’re going to pick a storage format that is by design “obscure” to discourage people from editing stuff when apparently they already complain about “missing transparency”

I don’t know what transparency you really expect. There’s a simple interface in the webadmin to manipulate the firewall setting, or same from the yunohost firewall cli if cli really is your jam. But at the end of the day, yes, YunoHost is an abstraction, and abstractions are always a tradeoff between usability and knowing what’s under the hood. I use Linux Mint on my desktop computer, and I’m not like “Linux Mint ain’t transparent, i don’t know how it configures stuff!” because stuff just works and that’s what Linux Mint is about, and I’m not gonna try to mess with Linux Mint config files by hands without expecting that stuff blows up if I misconfigure something …

Only a handful of apps actually do need to open ports on the firewall. Typically they will mention this in the preinstall or postinstall notes, or that will at least be reported in the diagnosis and firewall ui afterward

The diagnosis doesn’t refresh the result everytime you run “show”, because running all the diagnosis stuff ain’t “free” in terms of time / requests, you have to explictly re-“run” it

Sure, if that’s your jam … cf. the discussion about abstractions

How is that? What do you propose?
YunoHost firewall is perfect for my usage, it never failed me during the last 3 years. It’s interface is very clear and simple and it does what it is supposed to do.
If you don’t like it, stop using it, install your own firewall and use it. Ignore the diagnosis warning about the yunohost firewall.

I have tried to ignore the not active yunohost-firewall, but app updates does not work any more if yunohost-firewall is not running. After activating the yunohost-firewall again updates worked fine.
As Aleks wrote the

yunohost diagnosis show

did not rerun the diagnosis. But

yunohost diagnosis run

does. So I was a little bit confused about this outdated information.
Thanks for your help!

I have installed a dlna-server manually (minidlna), so I have to enable tcp and udp for port 5001.

root@yuno:/etc/yunohost# yunohost firewall allow Both 5001
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 77, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 41, in cli
    ret = moulinette.cli(
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 110, in cli
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 500, in run
    ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 574, in process
    return func(**arguments)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/yunohost/", line 98, in firewall_allow
    and port in firewall["uPnP"][p + "_TO_CLOSE"]
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

The same result, if I try to use the web-interface for enabling the port. Enabling tcp works, but enabling udp or both did not.

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