YunoHost 4.3 release / Sortie de YunoHost 4.3

MàJ sans problème également.
Les deux paquets redis ne se mettent pas à jour.

Super MàJ en passant, merci à l’équipe.

Une nouvelle mise à jour yunohost est disponible

Je lance la mise à jour ce soir dès que je rentre chez moi :blush: should fix the issue regarding redis-server/tools


Merci Pour cette nouvelle version de yunohost et tous le travail effectuée. :heart_eyes: :heart: :100:

1 Like should fix the ‘Missing credentials paramater’ / cache not autorefreshing nightmare


Oui merci pour tout le travail !!

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Thanks problem is resolved.

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Merci pour cette v4.3.2.2 de yunohost, elle a résolu le bug :clap:

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Merciiii à tous les impliqués!

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Hello, je confirme tout est à présent OK avec la version !
Bravo la Team Yunohost :clap:

Hi, two questions :

  • How to use the Autoconfiguration mechanism for DNS records ?

  • And how to disable /home/yunohost.multimedia backup (with borg ?) ?

A method could be to do:

touch /home/yunohost.multimedia/.nobackup
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$ sudo yunohost tools upgrade --system

C’est pas deprecié en faveur de la version sans tirets ?

$ sudo yunohost tools upgrade system

Si, mais il y a des gens encore en 4.0 et 4.1 qui viendront dire que chez eux la version sans tiret ne marche pas, c’est arrivé la dernière fois … En attendant, --system marche encore

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Hi everyone :wave:.
Unfortunately, I still can’t access the admin section of my yunohost server thru web client.
Thru ssh it’s OK though. I could run the command line to update and upgrade.

yunohost for raspberry pi3 (up to date thru ssh)
microsd 128gb

  repo: stable
  repo: stable
  version: 4.3.2
  repo: stable
  version: 4.3.2
  repo: stable
  version: 4.3.2

thanks for the awesome work :100: :clap:

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Since the upgrade, i don’t be able to add domain who was existing before.

Bonjour, depuis la mise à jours, Il y a t’il quelqu’un qui se retrouve incapable d’ajouter un domain existant avant ?

Thanks / Merci pour vos avis.

Did you clear the browser cache for the admin page? It depends a bit on the browser which procedure, I usually try ctrl and/or shift + F5, and pressing ctrl and/or shift while clicking the reload button in the browser.

I could upgrade to without a problem, but still needed to do the thing above before I could log in.

Yep, I did. I clear the cache at least by 2 different method (shift+ctrl+5 < firefox > & w/ the plugin Cookie AutoDelete - Cleanup everything for this domain) :upside_down_face:

08/11 edit: I tried with tor browser on standard security level & Firefox private browsing thru DNS acces > admin access thru web client still not working > same error message.

3 posts were split to a new topic: L’installation de Droppy échoue - ynh_npm not found

Yunohost got updated and VPN also to v 2.0 but not Hotspot… It remains in version 1.2.0~ynh6 as it is written by the way on github’s Readme file and in the manifest.json : hotspot_ynh/manifest.json at testing · YunoHost-Apps/hotspot_ynh · GitHub

The problem is that wifi is still working but doesn’t provide internet as if something was broken between VPN and hotspot…