YunoHost 4.2 release / Sortie de YunoHost 4.2

J’utilise déjà netdata, hypercomplet (peut être un peu trop) sauf l’état smart du disque dur, je n’arrive pas à l’afficher que ce soit sur netdata ou PhpSysInfo. J’utilise des commandes ssh. Savoir quand le disque de son serveur va lâcher est assez important, surtout si on compte y mettre plusieurs applications et données.

Mais smartd n’envoie pas par défaut un mail à l’admin quand un disque présente des soucis ?
(J’ai reçu et ignoré ces mails plusieurs mois avant de devoir changer des disques dans l’urgence quand c’était presque trop tard)
Mais j’avais peat-etre bidouillé quelquechose et suivi des tutos sur smartd…

Merci pour cette belle mise à jour, j’ai hâte de tester cette nouvelle interface.

Quelques soucis aussi après la mise à jour, avec ce log dans yunohost-api.log

OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use: ('localhost', 6787)
2021-05-22 18:16:18,251 ERROR    moulinette (unknown function) - A server is already running on that port
2021-05-22 18:16:20,129 DEBUG    moulinette.interface __init__ - initializing base actions map parser for api
2021-05-22 18:16:20,155 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap __init__ - loading actions map namespace 'yunohost'
2021-05-22 18:16:20,159 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap _construct_parser - building parser...
2021-05-22 18:16:20,251 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap _construct_parser - building parser took 0.092s
2021-05-22 18:16:20,450 DEBUG    moulinette.interface.api (unknown function) - starting the server instance in localhost:6787
2021-05-22 18:16:20,479 ERROR    moulinette.interface.api (unknown function) - unable to start the server instance on localhost:6787: [Errno 98] Address already in use: ('localhost', 6787)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 823, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gevent/", line 362, in serve_forever
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gevent/", line 306, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gevent/", line 1487, in init_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gevent/", line 146, in init_socket
    self.socket = self.get_listener(self.address, self.backlog,
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gevent/", line 157, in get_listener
    return _tcp_listener(address, backlog=backlog, reuse_addr=cls.reuse_addr, family=family)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gevent/", line 256, in _tcp_listener

Le service tente de redémarrer tout seul, donc j’ai une multitude de ces logs.
Redémarrer le service n’a rien changé.

J’ai redémarré le serveur et tout semble bon.

Petite erreur de typo :

root@monserveur:~# yunohost tools upgrade
Warning: Using 'yunohost tools upgrade' with --apps / --system is deprecated, just write 'yunohost tools upgrade apps' or 'system' (no -- prefix anymore)
Error: Please specify '--apps', or '--system'

Imho il faut dégager les -- dans la ligne Error : Please specify [...]


Je voulais faire un petit retour sur la dernière release.
L’interface admin a gagné en ergonomie et elle est bien plus sympa!

Merci à toute l’équipe !

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Hey there !

We release a bunch of fixes that should address many issues reported since the stable release:

  • [fix] backup: Also catch tarfile.ReadError as possible archive corruption error (4aaf0154)
  • [enh] helpers: Update n to version 7.2.2 (#1224)
  • [fix] helpers: Define ynh_node_load_path to be compatible with ynh_replace_vars (06f8c1cc)
  • [doc] helpers: Add requirements for new helpers (2b0df6c3)
  • [fix] helpers: Set YNH_APP_BASEDIR as an absolute path (#1229, 27300282)
  • [fix] Tweak yunohost-api systemd config as an attempt to fix the API being down after yunohost upgrades (52e30704)
  • [fix] python3: encoding issue in nftable migrations (0f10b91f)
  • [fix] python3: Email on certificate renewing failed (#1227)
  • [fix] permissions: Remove warnings about legacy permission system (now reported in the linter) (#1228)
  • [fix] diagnosis, mail: Remove SPFBL because it triggers false positive (#1231)
  • [fix] diagnosis: DNS diagnosis taking an awful amount of time because of timeout (#1233)
  • [fix] install: Be able to init slapd in a chroot (= infamous broken ISO bug) (#1230)
  • [fix] Unicode password doesn’t log in (= infamous “can’t log in because password has weird chars” bug) (Moulinette#276)
  • [fix] User edit view submit button blocked because of empty quota (Yunohost-Admin#362)
  • [i18n] Translations updated for Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Polish

Thanks to all contributors <3 ! (Christian Wehrli, Éric Gaspar, José M, Krzysztof Nowakowski, ljf, Mico Hauataluoma, Radek S, Salamandar, Stephan Schneider, xaloc33, yahoo~~)



Regarding Moulinette#276, it seems that a systemctl restart yunohost-api is required before trying to change the password with a special char from the webadmin. Unfortunately, this is what I’ve done (without the api restart beforehand), and now I still cannot log as admin from the web interface (and sadly I cannot log as admin through ssh either :confused:).

Hopefully I’ve set up a private/public keys beforehand, so my computer is allowed to ssh log in without prompting for the password, but I don’t know how I could change the admin password from there. Any thoughts ?


EDIT: Sorry, this can be solved by using yunohost tools adminpw as root instead of passwd as admin. My bad!

EDIT2: So I can now login as admin with a password containing several special chars from the webadmin, but only if I set this password from command line yunohost tools adminpw. Setting the admin password with special chars from the webadmin ( seems to record it badly, because I cannot log in afterwards.

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Ihr seid die besten she your the beast

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Bravo à tous et surtout merci !!!
C’est beau comme un sous neuf, super boulot !


Quand je tente d’ignorer une erreur du diagostic, il me dit cela :

Cela arrive pour chaque bouton “Ignorer”.
Une solution ?

A small upgrade, version 4.2.7, has been released

Notable changes

  • [fix] app: ‘yunohost app search’ was broken (8cf92576)
  • [fix] app: actions were broken, fix by reintroducing user arg in hook exec (#1264)
  • [enh] app: Add check for available disk space before app install/upgrade (#1266)
  • [enh] domains: Better support for non latin domain name (#1270)
  • [enh] security: Add settings to restrict webadmin access to a list of IPs (#1271)
  • [enh] misc: Avoid to suspend server if lidswitch is closed (#1275)
  • [fix] portal: Broken Yunohost tile/overlay on iPhone (SSOwat#186)
  • [enh] portal: Save YunoHost tile/overlay positions across navigation (SSOwat#187)
  • [i18n] Translations updated for Esperanto, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Bunch of minor/technical fixes and enhancements, see detailed changelogs: here, here and here

Thanks to all contributors :heart: ! (amirale qt, Anthony //, Bram, Christian Wehrli, cyxae, Éric Gaspar, Flavio Cristoforetti, Jorge Guerra, José M, Kay0u, Le Libre Au Quotidien, ljf, Luca, Meta Meta, Mico Hauataluoma, mifegui, opi, ppr, Stylix58, Tagada, yalh76)


Suite à la mise à jour sur ma dedibox vers la version 4.2.7 seul les menus:

  • Mettre à jour le système

  • Outils
    Sont accessibles par contre les sous-menus Outils ne sont pas accessibles. Pourriez-vous m’aider? en vous remerciant

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Un Ctrl+F5 ou Ctrl+Maj+R devrait résoudre le souci en purgeant/rechargeant le cache de ton navigateur.


Oui merci, désolé de vous avoir dérangé pour si peu.

Here we go again with another minor release (4.2.8):

Notable changes

  • [fix] Infamous “user password change not working from the weadmin” (Yunohost-Admin/c26c4c9)
  • [enh] apps: Add --no-safety-backup option to “yunohost app upgrade” (#1286)
  • [enh] apps: Add --purge option to “yunohost app remove” (#1285)
  • [fix] helpers: ynh_permission_has_user not behaving properly when checking if a group is allowed (f0590907)
  • [enh] helpers: multimedia helpers: check that home folder exists (#1255)
  • [i18n] Translations updated for Esperanto, French, Galician, German, Portuguese, Italian, Polish

Thanks to all contributors :heart: ! (amirale qt, Christian Wehrli, Éric Gaspar, Flavio Cristoforetti, José M, Kay0u, Krakinou, Krzysztof Nowakowski, ljf, Luca, mifegui, ppr, sagessylu)