Yunohost 12 - Portal .tld structure issue when installed and migrated on sub.dom.tld

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: SSH
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: Upgrade 11 → 12

Describe your issue

My yunohost instance was running fine on a sub.domain.tld
No other instance sharing any part of the domain.tld, sub.sub.domain.tld or whatsoever
Before upgrading to 12.x I read about the changes saying that foo.tld and bar.tld would be two separate portals, but that and foo.tld would share the same portal.
The migration ran fine.
However the SSO attempts for the portal or any application do not longer try to authenticate at sub.domain.tld but at domain.tld.
I do understand the rationale about sharing the portals within a same DNS zone “Tree”.
However, I’ve got two questions:

  1. Has the scenario about the main domain being “sub.domain.tld” and not “domain.tld” for a yunohost instance been tested and discarded or is it a bug?
    This is not a fresh installation but a migration.
  2. Is there a configuration option to specifically tell for a yunoinstance what is the URL of the SSO portal to work around the issue I’m facing? Or a specific configuratio to set in domains?

Share relevant logs or error messages

N/A as the domain.tld page returns what the DNS is configured for.

by looking at the code, it seems that yunohost/src/ at dev · YunoHost/yunohost · GitHub now assumes that the portal will be on domain.tld and not sub.domain.tld in the case:

  • main domain is sub.domain.tld
  • applications do exist on subother1.domain.tld for example

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