YunoHost 11.1 release / Sortie de YunoHost 11.1

Hello, I have the same issue… Here the paste log:

It is because perhaps I have the user admin with a home directory and email set up…
Perhaps just have to delete the user admin, but first do the necessary to connect with other user !

Je n’arrive pas à me connecter à la webadmin du coup !!

Help !! comment finir la migration ??? L’utilisateur admin n’existe plus, il a du être supprimé avec la migration ??? Mais je ne peux plus me connecter avec la webadmin et j’ai garder une console connectée en SSH (pour combien de temps)… Comment résoudre cette erreur qui empêche la migration ???

NFO - attribute 'mail' with value 'admin@maindomain.tld' is not unique
2023-02-03 10:52:48,661: WARNING - Impossible de migrer... tentative de restauration du système.
2023-02-03 10:52:48,790: INFO - Système rétabli dans son état initial.
2023-02-03 10:52:48,791: ERROR - La migration 0026_new_admins_group a échoué avec l'exception La mise à jour du groupe 'admins' a échoué : L'attribut LDAP 'mail' existe déjà avec la valeur 'admin@maindomain.tld' : annulation

Ok, I found how resolve on support chat. First check existing aliases:
sudo yunohost user list --fields mail-alias
In my case, a user have few aliases to delete (abuse@domain_tld, postmaster@domain_tld, webmaster@domain_tld, admin@domain_tld) So first delete them, for example:
sudo yunohost user update <first_user> --remove-mailalias <postmaster@mydomain.tld>

Then you can run the migration sudo yunohost migation run

With the new version, the aliases will be automatically attributed to users in the group admins, non need add the aliases for the system…

Or better, just read the instruction (Show) YunoHost 11.1 release / Sortie de YunoHost 11.1

Ce jour Yunohost propose une mise à jour Devons-nous effectuer cette mise à jour ?
Je trouve ceci comme info sur la release:

 Update changelog for



alexAubin committed Feb 3, 2023
1 parent 2107a84 commit c255fe24955e00c2041d93766624c06b39c5b984
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 1 deletion.
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
yunohost ( testing; urgency=low
yunohost ( stable; urgency=low

  - helpers/appsv2: replacement of __PHPVERSION__ should use the phpversion setting, not YNH_PHP_VERSION (13d4e16e)
  - appv2 resources: document the fact that the apt resource may create a phpversion setting when the dependencies contain php packages (2107a848)

 -- Alexandre Aubin <>  Fri, 03 Feb 2023 03:05:11 +0100

yunohost ( stable; urgency=low

Snappymail is not supporting 32bit and Nextcloud is about to drop 32bit (when? it seems undecided upstream)

Pourquoi ne devriez-vous pas ? Je trouve la question inquiétante. :stuck_out_tongue:

Comme indiqué dans le changelog, ce sont des patchs mineurs sur le packaging v2, avec une urgence basse.

Donc tu devras faire la mise à jour tôt ou tard, et de manière imposée quand une de tes apps utilisant le packaging v2 devra faire appel aux helpers corrigés.

Ok, en effet, c’est à cause du pb avec la Release libérée par erreur il y a quelques temps et parce que ça me surprenais 2 commit en 2 jours.
Mais aussi, et surtout, je suis loin d’être un expert.

C’est bien d’être circonspect. :slight_smile: Dans le cas présent, il est assez sûr de faire les mises à jour au sein des mêmes versions majeures (11.1.x vers 11.1.x). Pour les changements de version majeure, il y a une annonce de faite sur le forum, comme celle-ci ici.

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Be warned, if you want to continue playing 20euro_ynh game, now you need to update to YunoHost 11.1.2 :crazy_face:


Bravo pour tout ! Yunohost continue de m’étonner depuis déjà plusieurs années et j’ai bien l’impression que ce n’est pas prêt de s’arrêter ! Merci infiniment !

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After 11.1 update , system update or apt update is giving this error

Unable to update the cache of APT (Debian’s package manager). Here is a dump of the sources.list lines, which might help identify problematic lines:
sources.list:deb bullseye main non-free contrib
sources.list:deb-src bullseye main non-free contrib
sources.list:deb Index of /debian-security bullseye-security main contrib non-free
sources.list:deb-src Index of /debian-security bullseye-security main contrib non-free
sources.list:deb bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
sources.list:deb-src bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
sources.list.d/yunohost.list:deb Index of /debian/ bullseye stable
sources.list.d/extra_php_version.list:deb Index of /php/ bullseye main

Enquanto processava a ação, o servidor disse:

A atualizar a lista de pacotes disponíveis…

E: Failed to fetch File has unexpected size (375796 != 375782). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 2400:52e0:1e02::827:1 443]

Hashes of expected file:

  • Filesize:375782 [weak]

  • SHA256:d8b9ae1b1ad605b3de6dbe7c8fcba2d2fe0e7679fb6635a0354c4fdde9cee866

  • SHA1:fd34a13d49a1b96a7f57372af65568c58f7e0e63 [weak]

  • MD5Sum:407d79db971923df8e3fdebb92668d66 [weak]

Release file created at: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 15:46:52 +0000

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Edit: it seems this happens when i enter administration with my user and not admin user. With admin it doesn’t gives an error

I updated manually via command line but didn’t notice that it was a major upgrade. So I was confused and a bit worried (because I was 100% sure that I didn’t change any config myself and I’m the only administrator on this server) when I received an email about an “Activity on Nextcloud” with the info “An administrator added you to group admins” and several “Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender” (Diagnostic-Code: x-unix; user unknown) for emails sent to the old admin user.

It took me a while to find out that this was caused by the upgrade a few hours earlier. I think it would be a good idea to send an email to the admin user(s) after such upgrades to notify them about the changes and link to the announcement on the forum.

Apart from that everything went well and the new interface is great! Thanks a lot to all contributors for all your work on YunoHost!

Had the same issue, but reading the error message thoroughly gave me the clue…

One of your users probably is configured to use the email from the error message (admin@mydomain.example) a mail alias.

I was able to do the migration after I deleted the respective mail alias from the command line:
yunohost user update username --remove-mailalias admin@mydomain.example

Small problem after the update with SSH. I might be my setup and the “old age” of the server

Everything is fine in the webui and the “legacy_admin”. Issue happens when I ssh with my user “gofannon” instead of the default one. I do not have a “home directory”

ssh connection:

 Local IP:
 Local SSL CA X509 fingerprint:
 SSH fingerprints:
  - SHA256:XXX (ED25519)
  - SHA256:XXX (RSA)
You have no mail.
Could not chdir to home directory /home/gofannon: No such file or directory
gofannon@yuno:/$ pwd
gofannon@yuno:/$  ls -1 /home/


  • gofannon user should have a “home dir.” as well as others users shown in the webui
  • I can recreated them by hand as I know how to use the linux cli. I might not the only one in this case so I let it to the “core dev” to check if something needs to be done about it (in the ‘diagnosis panel’ or in the documentation)

Issue could be because of a faulty app uninstall in the past or my fault (hello my dear rm)

A major refactoring of the SSO/portal

Is there any information about this or a PR/MR somewhere ?

As the message states, this sounds like a temporary issue …

Hmyeah could be because users didnt have a home user created in the past, or maybe a backup/restore story … Does this break the login somehow ?

Next generation portal/SSOwat · GitHub but not really easy to understand all the details without actually speaking about it

Merci pour le taff ! C’est superbe…

Connection is fine, just a warning while login. I wanted to try to ssh with the “new admin user” gofannon and move my ssh key from /home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys

Thanks, too cryptic for me unfortunately. I have knowledge with IAM and SSO protocols OpenID and SAML so I wanted to give a look but my time is limited

It’s less about refactoring the SSO layer itself and more about separating the user portal (and rewriting the portal with modern technology + having a proper “user API”) from the SSO layer

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