Wordpress /wp-login.php redirects to yunohost login

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Other ARM board
YunoHost version: current stable
I have access to my server : Through SSH
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

the last system upgrade completely nuked my wordpress installation. i don’t know why and i’m a little shocked that it did that.

i have restored it from backups, but now when i try to log in to the wordpress site via https://wordpressdomain.com/wp-login.php, it redirects to the yunohost SSO screen, which means i am unable to log in to my site as it has its own logins/accounts.

currently the square yunohost logo also displays in the lower right hand corner, which was not previously the case.

i would simply like to have my site hosted on my ynh set up but not have any accounts interaction between the two.

Not sure what happen, but I would look for any trace of failed app upgrade (?) in Tools > Logs …

Also regarding the wp-login.php issue, I would check that the “Wordpress (Admin)” permission is available for your user in Users > Groups and permission

thanks, adding that permission for visitors works so that any site users have access.

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