Why Won't WordPress Install Multisite in Root / Directory?

I’ve been looking to installl wordpress multisite into the root directory. It failes from control panel and cli.

Hi Idohost

Maybe you can provide us more informations :wink: It’s quite short…


You cannot install the wordpress on the root of the default domain for yunohost. I think this important because default domain is used for the yunohost login.

I understand. We really need a feature to expand YunoHost to be a self hosting IAAS. I definitely would be a regular donor.

Now I understand this is a private environment made to simplify hosting of trusted users, however my clients are trusted and I don’t want to make their private information like their website accessible to user B on login.

Is their anyway to use containers for this solution without having to scratch the code up? I’m thinking make user accounts that activate containers with automated permissions to specific users accounts.

Like a yunohost inside a yunohost. I don’t like virtualizing my baremetals.

SN: I’m not sure how making all this is possible. I’m just a Linux administrator. I know some a.I. python
But that’s it. Anyone know how? What it would take? Software’s needed that isntt currently shipped with yunohost core? Flow chart (helps)?

I am actually borderline right now.

I see, that it is a problem to install Wordpress in the root domain of the default domain. But why can’t I install Wordpress in the root of a subdomain? I see no reason, why this should be impossible?

Because the multisite option for Wordpress uses sub-directories, so you can’t installed wordpress, with the option multisite, in the root of any domain.

Unless the option has changed since then, you can’t do it.

Still, you can set the app as the default for the domain. That way, going to the root of the domain will lead to wordpress.

But doesn’t any application use subdirs? A normal application always has an URL scheme like this:


Etherpad on Yunohost for example uses:


So why should not wordpress do the same?

Or do you mean something other with subdirs?

That’s the way multisite works for wordpress, this is an internal wordpress option.
And, unless that has changed since, one of the requirement is to have your wordpress into a sub dir already.

I know that it exists a way to do it from root, but it’s a tricky modification of the rewrite rules, and not the official way.

As long as wordpress will require a sub dir to enable multisite, we will as well.

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Ah, it is because of the rewrite - that makes it clear to me. Thanks a lot for your explaination!