Why no link to New in this forum?

I find https://forum.yunohost.org/new very useful, but as opposed to other Discourse forums I’m on, it seems the link to it is missing on the top link row.

Is this intentional? If not, I think adding it would help finding new threads that still need looking into.

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That would be lovely!

I still can’t see it though. Maybe I’m too junior on this forum still?

Did you refresh the page ?


This is where I would expect it:

Apparently the button disappears when all the topics are read / ie there’s no “new” topic …

Ha, did not know. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi hook,

Thanks for bringing it up, and Aleks for activating the category :slight_smile:

I never noticed a sidebar on the left,

Is that just my tunnel vision, or is it actually new?

By the way, is there a category for ‘unsolved threads’ ? Now I happen to scan for threads with 0 replies or without the checkbox in front, but a category would be helpful if it is available in Discourse.

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It’s new, I enabled it yesterday :sweat_smile: Maybe we’ll tweak it a bit further

Not as far as I know

These two together do work :slight_smile:

  1. I wondered what the +sign at the bottom did:

  2. I guessed advanced search would give an URL

  3. indeed, with some search parameters:

  4. add a custom section :

  5. Tadaa

Only for my own menu, but it works :slight_smile:

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Oh wow okay, I added it (I think?) in the defaults

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Hey, wow, it is :slight_smile:
