Why can't we install YunoHost on for example Ubuntu server

What type of hardware are you using: Other(?)
What YunoHost version are you running: x
How are you able to access your server: Other(?)
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: no

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Why can’t we just run Yuno Host on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is based on Debian and such. I know other alternatives which can. I want to try out YunoHost on my server but I do not want to reinstall my whole server with it as an OS image or with debian and the curl command. I do not see what the issue is here and why it can’t run without making a whole new OS install.

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Because “based on Debian” doesn’t mean “everything will behave as if you’re on Debian”. Sooner or later you’ll find some technical difference between the two distributions : some command behaving differently, some service behaving differently, packages with a different name, etc … and there’s no point for us to support installing on Ubuntu just for the sake of “people who happen to already have an Ubuntu server won’t have to reinstall their machine”. It just doesn’t justify the effort that would go into testing everything on Ubuntu in addition to everything we already test.

But hey, if you really want to try, you can download the install script and comment this part : install_script/bookworm at main · YunoHost/install_script · GitHub and see how far you go without everything blowing up …

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Why does M$ office doesn’t install on linux… :thinking: Oh, there is wine and playonlinux… Buuuut, it’s not working correctly…
Well, in that case use a VM, with the correct requirements and you will have less issues

How about Linux Mint Debian Edition?

Desktop environment will break network, services, etc… If you insist on running it on a debian with DE, you will have to fix things or may be nothing… Try it
The webadmin of yunohost will cover 90% of what you need to manage your server

I don’t, but I can’t install Yunohost on my laptop (because of some bootstrap error), but I can install LMDE. I can try uninstalling XFCE and installing something like i3wm to reduce this kind of conflicts (it is what I use daily), but I have no idea about them.

Fwiw i installed ynh on top of debian with gnome, haven’t had much issues. Previously i had added xfce on a ynh server, and it worked too.

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