Where to start troubleshooting Matrix audio/video calls?

So, right now, I’m still trying to figure out where to even begin troubleshooting that my Matrix/Element server’s calls. Often they don’t connect or if they do they’re often missing either video or audio. This is between two users both on my server.

I had one person tell me they had a similar problem until they replaced Coturn with Eturnal, but Eturnal doesn’t even seem available in Yunohost. They also said to make sure ther server accepted IPV6, which last time I checked, my Synapse server doesn’t.

The trouble is I don’t even know whether I should be troubleshooting Element, or Synapse, or Coturn, or Yunohost, or the Yunohost Firewall or…?

What logs are worth checking for errors?

Searching for video call problems with Matrix, yields a ridiculous over-abundance of different results. Where would be some good starting places to look for the problem I can fix to get reliable Matrix video calls?

Thanks for any ideas!

Traduit par Deepl. Toutes mes excuses pour le langage étrange !

Donc, pour l’instant, j’essaie toujours de savoir par où commencer pour dépanner les appels de mon serveur Matrix/Element. Souvent, ils ne se connectent pas ou, s’ils le font, il manque souvent la vidéo ou l’audio. Il s’agit d’appels entre deux utilisateurs sur mon serveur.

Une personne m’a dit qu’elle avait eu un problème similaire jusqu’à ce qu’elle remplace Coturn par Eturnal, mais Eturnal ne semble même pas être disponible dans Yunohost. Ils m’ont également dit de m’assurer que leur serveur acceptait l’IPV6, ce qui, la dernière fois que j’ai vérifié, n’était pas le cas de mon serveur Synapse.

Le problème, c’est que je ne sais même pas si je dois dépanner Element, ou Synapse, ou Coturn, ou Yunohost, ou le pare-feu de Yunohost ou… ?

Quels sont les journaux qui valent la peine d’être vérifiés pour les erreurs ?

La recherche de problèmes d’appels vidéo avec Matrix donne une surabondance ridicule de résultats différents. Je ne sais pas si j’ai besoin d’une aide supplémentaire, mais j’ai besoin d’une aide supplémentaire pour la mise en place d’un système de gestion de l’information.

Merci pour toutes les idées !

Hello, do you use Synapse from GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh: Matrix server (synapse) package for YunoHost ?
Or do you use Element Call from GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/element-call_ynh: Element-Call package for YunoHost ?
I had successfully used calls with my own Synapse instance months ago.

I’m using synapse_ynh.

Did you have to change any configurations, such as synapse_coturn? What clients are you using (Element for iOS? FluffyChat for Android? ElementX?)

It was with normal Element clients. I don’t remember I did some special setup regarding coturn. But I don’t do call usually, I should try to see if it still works.

I made a try today and could have call between my selhosted Matrix account and an account at matrix.org, using Element Desktop and Element Android (not ElementX).

Maybe you should verify that ports used by Coturn are opened. On my server I had to open ports 5349 and 5350 both for tcp and udp. The diagnosis tool in admin page can help you to check this. And maybe this page also Configure port-forwarding | Yunohost Documentation

Thanks @nath5394 ! That documentation mentions opening ports on the router, too. That’s just for people hosting at home, and not people on a VPS, right? I don’t need to get random family members to open router ports before they can use a Matrix client, do I?

Diagnosis doesn’t show any errors. I’m wondering what logs I should examine? :thinking:

Indeed, on a VPS there should be no ports to open, unless the VPS provider provide a kind of firewall think in front of your VPS.
Regarding logs, I am sorry I don’t really know. I looked at /var/log/matrix-synapse/homeserver.log but there is nothing related to calls, coturn…
Did you saw the documentation about turnserver in this page: https://<yourserver.com>/yunohost/admin/#/apps/synapse/ ?

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