Where to apply your email filters

Hello everyone.

I have been self-hosting my email on Yunohost for 3 years and it has been pretty much trouble-free.

I’m a bit OCD and like my mail to be nice and tidy and organised, so here is my question.

Is it best to create and apply filters on the server, through Snappymail or Roundcube, or on the client device?

I have a laptop and 2 mobile devices. They all use IMAP, the laptop uses Thunderbird, and the mobile devices use Apple Mail.

Something says to me that the obvious one is on the server, but I’ve had some small issues recently with Snappymail which makes the filters unavailable until I’ve done some wrangling and updates help from the contributors of said app. Are these filters created in Snappymail or Roundcube portable?



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