What do curly brackets {} and parenthesis () mean in moulinette translation?

Sorry, that I have to ask: Yesterday I translated a lot from English to German. But with moulinette I was unshure what part of syntax has to be translated and what part should better stay as it is.

Some Example for translation:

 Could not open file {file:s} (reason: {error:s})

The first part is clear, I also guess, I should not change the parts in curly brackets, like {file:s}. But what about “reason:”? Should I translate to German “Grund” or do all terms in parenthesis have to stay, as they are? Is “reason:” part of the code or part of the text to be translated?

You can and should translate the reason, parenthesis are just “regular” characters I believe and you could even change the parenthesis to something else if needed in your language (e.g. maybe in Japanese it’s written differently). Only the {file:s} and {error:s} must remain the same (though you can also change their order if needed in your language)

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Thanks @Aleks for the fast reply. The I can go on tomorrow. Great!