What arbitrary limitations in GHOST?


I am currently looking at the APP ghost. When installing I read something about “Arbitrary limitations: (…) Please refer to the README.”. And in the readme I read that I should read the readme :wink:

Does anyone know what functions the APP has that I might not like? Or where it says that?

YunoHost-Version: 11.2.4 (stable).
Ghost-Version: 5.61.3~ynh2



ich schaue mir gerade die APP ghost an. Dabei lese ich etwas von “Arbitrary limitations: (…) Please refer to the README.”. Und in der Readme lese ich, dass ich die Readme lesen soll :wink:

Weiß einer was für Funktionen die APP hat, die ich womöglich nicht mögen könnte? Oder wo das steht?

YunoHost-Version: 11.2.4 (stable).
Ghost-Version: 5.61.3~ynh2

Habt Dank

Ooops, sorry for the circular reference. :arrows_counterclockwise: The reason for this flag is explained in there: Ghost 5.21 doesn't work with MariaBD - Package frozen at v5.20 · Issue #199 · YunoHost-Apps/ghost_ynh · GitHub

Basically, the Ghost developers have chosen to only support MySQL, while YunoHost uses MariaDB. It has already led to one breakage of the app, which has been patched by yours truly on the package side. But it should be handled upstream by Ghost, and will inevitably lead to catastrophic breakage at some point (IIRC, right now some posts statistcs do not show up, though it is not a critical feature).

Edit: antifeature description updated :slight_smile:


Thank you @tituspijean for your help and detailed information :slight_smile: Hmmm … if I understand correctly, it would be better to steer clear of GHOST for the time being. At least with my YunoHost server. Too bad, because Ghost looked quite promising. Is there any similar software that you can recommend as an alternative from the YunoHost app catalogue?

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