Web admin (but not ssh) dysfunctional 404 Not found nginx

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online through Hetzner
YunoHost version:

Description of my issue


I can no longer access the web admin of my yunohost ([MYDOMAIN]/yunohost/admin/). Instead i see a “404 Not found nginx” page. Interestingly the admin works well on the ssh command line and all my applications work fine too.
I’m not sure exactly when nor how this happen but I suspect that it followed my last update of the yunohost system.

Do you have any clue how to make the web admin work again ?

Have you by any chance set a default app on domain.tld ?

Thanks for your reply, but I don’t think so, however how can I be sure of this ?
I checked using the command yunohost app list and yunohost domain list and found only domain.tld/apps .

When you go to domain.tld, does it show the list of installed apps? Is the link to web admin visible in the bottom?

YES, it shows all apps which are functional, the link is visible at the bottom yes.

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