[WatchYourLAN] Network IP scanner

WatchYourLAN for YunoHost

Integration level Working status Maintenance status

Install WatchYourLAN with YunoHost


Lightweight network IP scanner with web GUI.


  • end notification when new host is found
  • Monitor hosts online/offline history
  • Keep a list of all hosts in the network
  • Send data to InfluxDB2 to make a Grafana dashboard

Shipped version: 2.0.3~ynh1


Documentation and resources


I am getting

oct. 19 15:44:18 watchyourlan[15137]: 2024/10/19 15:44:18 ERROR exec: "arp-scan": executable file not found in $PATH

In the service log
YunoHost 12

you can fix this with
sudo apt install arp-scan

The package have been updated.


Now I am getting

oct. 19 17:08:21 watchyourlan[15792]: 2024/10/19 17:08:21 ERROR signal: bad system call

I have changed interfaces to enp0s3 which is the interface of the server
Edit : this error seems to be related to restrictive systemd settings

The app needs to be fine tuned. Don’t hesitate to PR your findings

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I think it’s ready, have a look at it

Thanks for the PR :gift_heart:

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You’re welcome :wink: