[Wallabag2] Read-It-Later application

no problem with raspberry pi 3B

Testing works correctly from web interface and android app

Great, then I’m merging it as a normal release :slight_smile:

I don’t understand, 2FA is active after this upgrade.
I’m pretty sure i don’t activate it before the upgrade. I must have disable it in database to access to wallabag again because i don’t receive mail with the code:

USE wallabag2;
UPDATE user SET emailtwofactor='0';

Weird, I’m not aware of any change on that part, and it did not happen to me.
ping @tcit

To be sure, i reinstall the backup. I can login with my user, no 2FA. After upgrade the app, it is the same as 15 days ago, 2FA is active and don’t send me the password.

Ok then it might be better to file a bug report upstream to Wallabag team, they might also provide some help on how to diagnose this…

Hi :wave:

I have to manually edit wallabag.yml and then clear:cache to apply changes (IIRC), but I have problems to use bin/console CLI.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong but it tries to read config_=prod.yml with a “=” in the name, but we have


in our app/config folder. I don’t not feel safe to manually edit any of the Filelocator.php files in app.

Please would anyone tell me if I should proceed in a different way? thank you.

Here what I did

(edit: in this example I use help as an example, c:c or any other command shows the same error)

root@ynh:/var/www/wallabag2# php bin/console help -e=prod

In FileLocator.php line 44:
  The file "/var/www/wallabag2/app/config/config_=prod.yml" does not exist.  

root@ynh:/var/www/wallabag2# find /var/www/wallabag2 -name "FileLocator.php"

To begin with, php should be used in the right version and context for the app.

yunohost app shell wallabag2 to run everything as the wallabag2 user, and then use php7.4 instead of just php.

Does that change anything ?

many thanks for your help :heart:

should I open an issue in github? ynh-package

now it’s a chmod/own issue

(it’s wallabag2, as wallabag app does not exist in the system)

root@ynh:~# yunohost app shell wallabag2
+ env_dir=/var/www/wallabag2
+ cd /var/www/wallabag2
+ su -s /bin/bash wallabag2

wallabag2@ynh:~$ php7.4 bin/console c:c -e=prod

In Kernel.php line 648:
  Warning: file_put_contents(/var/www/wallabag2/var/cache/=prod/app=prodDebugProjectContainerDeprecations.log): failed to open st  
  ream: Permission denied                                                                                                          

In Kernel.php line 768:
  Unable to write in the "cache" directory (/var/www/wallabag2/var/cache/=prod). 

In my wallabag installation there is not a =prod directory but a simple prod.

ls -l /var/www/wallabag2/var/cache/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 9 wallabag2 wallabag2 4096 Mar 18 10:10 prod

P.S.: I am not an expert

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thank you @lnoferin

reading documentation -e (environment) variable is set using = but I guess it is not the case now.

So I

wallabag2@ynh:~$ php7.4 bin/console c:c -e prod

 // Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false                                                        

 [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully cleared.   

:hugs: thanks . Issue solved and :memo: updated my notes.