Wallabag not reachable from android app

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: (stable)
What app is this about: Wallabag2

Describe your issue

I’ve successfully installed Wallabag on a new subdomain and installed a letsencrypt certificate. I can log in on the computer via the Yunohost Portal, but the Android App says that the service is not available:

I have used the QR scanner to get the details from the Wallabag config screen, and it displays the same URL as is in the address bar of my browser, so I’m pretty sure it’s correct. I have looked at the github for Wallabag and web searched for this issue, but they all relate to Docker, not Yunohost.


Share relevant logs or error messages

“Connection test failed
Could not find wallabag service - check URL.”

log for Letsencrypt installation:
Log for making Wallabag default:
Log for Wallabag installation:


Permission should be to visitors. In the webadmin > users > groups and permissions > visitors : add the app and its api

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You, my friend, deserve chocolates and money and other fine things. This is the second time you’ve helped me. I am very grateful.

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