What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: SSH
Describe your issue
I was recently having trouble backing up my yunohost server via clone/restic. It would last for days and not finish the job, which hadn’t happened before. I checked the /var/log/ directory and found files that were many GB is size, some as many as 145GB. I looked on this forum and found the thread at [Resolved] [/var/log] : do the cleaning properly which is now closed.
Here is output of du -ah --max-depth=1 | sort -h when run from /var/log/
0 ./alternatives.log
0 ./btmp
0 ./btmp.1
0 ./mail.err
0 ./rsnapshot.log
4.0K ./baikal
4.0K ./fail2ban.log
4.0K ./fontconfig.log
4.0K ./invidious
4.0K ./kern.log
4.0K ./mail.warn
4.0K ./mail.warn.1
4.0K ./mysql
4.0K ./nextcloud__2
4.0K ./ntpstats
4.0K ./php7.4-fpm.log
4.0K ./php8.1-fpm.log
4.0K ./php8.2-fpm.log
4.0K ./php8.3-fpm.log
4.0K ./private
4.0K ./rsnapshot.log.1.gz
4.0K ./sysstat
4.0K ./wordpress
8.0K ./debug
8.0K ./messages
8.0K ./php8.0-fpm.log
8.0K ./postgresql
8.0K ./user.log
12K ./dpkg.log
12K ./faillog
12K ./runit
28K ./lastlog
28K ./mail.info
28K ./mail.log
28K ./samba
36K ./unattended-upgrades
40K ./letsencrypt
48K ./redis
52K ./metronome
68K ./apt
72K ./debug.1
80K ./mail.info.1
80K ./messages.1
88K ./kern.log.1
172K ./auth.log
272K ./wtmp
696K ./rspamd
1.2M ./nginx
16M ./installer
65M ./yunohost
117M ./nextcloud
4.0G ./journal
30G ./daemon.log
30G ./syslog
63G .
Can anyone help me understand why I have log files so large and which ones I can safely delete? And what is the best way to delete them?
Thank you for helping me.
Share relevant logs or error messages