Use of SMTP relay and validating application sender adress

Hello all,

I’m using the SMTP relay option (unfortunately needed, because OVH IP range seems to be on blacklisted lists). It works great, thanks for the option.

But, applications send their email from their own address/account, on their subdomain (ie for example , which is totally fine and a good practice. But my relay, as stated here, wants to validate the ownership of these emails addresses before allowing messages from them. Validation is in the form of a mail sent to the adress, with some kind of verification link inside.

And there you can see my issue : how can I get the content of the validation email to further process the security check of my relay provider ?
As far as I know, these generated email adress/account cannot receive anything (not linked to a “real” account)
Can I set up some kind of redirection for these addresses ?
If not, would it be a good idea to add to Yuonohost an option to redirect these messages to an admin account or something like that ?
Or, do you have some workaround to at least get the email content ?

Thanks for you support

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Bonjour à tous,

J’utilise l’option Relay SMTP (malheureusement nécessaire car les IP d’OVH sont bannies). Ça fonctionne très bien, merci pour cette option.

Mais les application envoient leurs emails depuis leurs propres adresses/comptes, sur leur sous domaine (par exemple, ce qui est tout à fait une bonne pratique. Mais mon fournisseur de relais, comme mentionné ici, veut valider ces adresses emails avant de permettre un envoi. La validation prend la forme d’un email envoyé à l’adresse, avec un lien de vérification à l’intérieur.

Et vous voyez donc mon problème : comment obtenir le contenu de l’email de validation pour faire la vérification demandée par le fournisseur ?
A ce que je sache, ces adresses emails/compte ne peuvent rien recevoir (elles ne sont pas liées à un “vrai” compte?)
Est-ce que je peux mettre en place une sorte de redirection vers un vrai compte ?
Si ce n’est pas le cas, serait-ce une bonne idée d’ajouter cette fonctionnalité à Yunohost ?
Ou avez-vous une solution de contournement pour au moins obtenir ponctuellement le contenu de l’email et donc le lien de validation ?

Merci pour votre support

Apart from app emails, user emails are linked to a real mail box. It is therefore possible to consult them via imap OR via a webmail application like roundcube.

Yes, I’m talking about app emails (in my case, specifically those under a subdomain)
I would like to see them in order to get the validation email sent from my smtp relay provider.
Ideally is there some kind of postfix configuration to redirect them to an account of my choice ?
Or by any chance, are they logged somewhere ?

I would add an alias of the app email/subdomain to an existing user account.

In that way, emails sent to would be delivered to :smiley_cat:

Thanks for your answer.

I would like to do that, but how ?
Adding an alias from the “Editer mon profil” (edit my profile) section doesn’t work if it’s a subdomain.
I get :
“Nom de domaine invalide” (invalid domain name)

is email enabled on the subdomain ? I don’t know if you must enable it or allow your user to use a certain domain from somewhere in the settings…

I would add the alias via the admin interface > users > modify user.

Excellent ! This is what I was looking for. By this way, adding an email alias for a sub domain works.

Thank you very much.