Use Element X with Synpase

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Other ARM board

What YunoHost version are you running


What app is this about

Synapse 1.115

Describe your issue

Element, the main Matrix client, was updated, and Element X is now the default one on Play Store. But I’m unable to connect to my server, thought it works with the previous legacy Element client (and other ones like Fluffychat).
It seems to be related with “sliding sync” feature. How to enable it on Synapse ?

Thank you in advance,


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Je suis également intéressé.
Merci Ă  vous pour l’éventuelle solution, rien d’urgent mais avec les derniĂšres versions d’Android, Element n’est plus compatible.
Bonne soirée

If I understand well, it’s in progress. You can find more info here: Matrix v2 by Josue-T · Pull Request #439 · YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh · GitHub

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That’s fine for me.
Thank you


You can enable sliding sync in synapse, which I think is the only requirement for Element X.

Here is the documentation Experimental Features - Synapse

I enabled it on a matrix-synapse server not hosted on yunohost, but that should work in yunohost also

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So I just upgraded to the latest ynh_synapse and was able to install element X and not be blocked by the “sliding sync” requirement. The app has a few errors related to “no push distributors”. Not sure what that means, but I seem to be sending and receiving messages okay. Curious to hear if anyone else has had any issues so far.

I have no issues with push notifications with the X client (on iOS, tho)

All good - turns out I needed to install NTFY since I don’t use google play services on my Android phone.

Here I cannot login into my Yunohost/Synapse instance with Element X / Android. The message is something like “cannot reach your server”. Matrix federation tester says OK, Synapse version is 1.117.0.

Has sliding sync still to be enabeld with thas Synapse version?

In a discussion on the matrix room, someone suggested SSO on a Yunohost server not being supported bei EXA, only username/password or MAS (matrix auth service / OpenID Connect).

Is that correct?

If yes, what could I do?

@matalb, you can disable the option to force to use the SSO on the synapse config panel. Or you can also use the matrix_v2, which implicitly disable this option.

Thank you all for your responses.

I’ve tried new time, but it seems it works know out of the box with the last Synapse version on Yunohost.
The difficulty is that Element X does not recognize easily the server address. You need to type it entirely (, and then select it ( in order to the ‘connexion’ button to appear.

In fact, Element X is much less complete than Element. So I will continue to use the regular application via F-Droid.


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