Upgrading Cinny from subpath to subdomain

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12
What app is this about: Cinny

Describe your issue

Cinny v.4.2.3, currently available, will only support install on a dedicated domain, whereas v 3.2 allowed installation on a subdir/subpath of the main YNH web domain.

Upgrading is not trivial, since no instructions are provided (Provide instructions for upgrading from subdir to domain install · Issue #79 · YunoHost-Apps/cinny_ynh · GitHub)

I then decided to uninstall and reinstall… no data lost on the server… but this has the side effect of disconnecting all users from their sessions and reconnecting to Matrix and revalidating sessions is a pain for regular users… so it would be preferable not to change much, if that’s even possible, protocol-wise in matrix…

I also installed the Redirect app to ease with the transition for non-authenticated users, to redirect them from the old subpath URL to the new dedicated domain.

Any advice ?

P.S. also, the cinny tag was missing, so far…

Hi oberger,

From your post it is not clear what the current state of Cinny on your Yunohost is. Are you describing the options you see, or the actions you took?

From the upstream readme on Github:

So it is possible to install into subpath, but requires building the app after the subpath has become known. You can make it work for your installation, but it would mean much more work for the Yunohost-packager to provide it as an installation option (the Yunohost framework supports building apps from source, but I’m not sure whether it supports mixing in path data in this fashion)

That is sensible!

Thanks for mentioning :slight_smile:

I was using Cinny v3.2 on a YNH 11, using a subpath, which was a valid option in the setup at install through the standard Web interface for installing/configuring a new app.

Now that I have updated to YNH12, I tried upgrading Cinny to the current version (4.2.3), and the only possible option proposed by the interface is a subdomain.

Nothing more complex.

While it may technically be possible if one is interested at what upstream provides… that wouldn’t really count until this is possible, given the options provided by YNH out of the box, IMHO.

But that’s good to know anyway… even just in case the packagers aren’t themselves aware, who knows :wink:

Thanks for caring.


You might want to check the following to better understand the history behind the subdir install issue (although @wbk’s comment does summarize it): Build app instead of using prebuilt artifact by Salamandar · Pull Request #66 · YunoHost-Apps/cinny_ynh · GitHub

Also there is a project ongoing that could restore availability of subdir install easily for all hardware in a near future, although cinny_ynh maintainer does not seem to have engaged with it yet: Use Github workflow to build YNH package supporting custom path by oleole39 · Pull Request #75 · YunoHost-Apps/cinny_ynh · GitHub

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