Upgrade to Jessie and Yunohost v2


Just to see if there is anything to avoid/do for Jessie.
Jessie is very near for now, so I will like to know if there is already some test done or planned to see if an upgrade is possible. And if the upgrade is possible anything special to take care ?



Hi lunarok,

YunoHost team took time to Install and switch to a new build system.
Now, this step is done.
The team are testing all new commits done since a long time.
It will integrate a backport of Ngnix.
YunoHost is on the way toward Jessie.
It will be the nexit big site.

I saw in the roadmap 2.2 you go over jessie
it’s done and satisfaisant ?
if yes, do you have any kind of how to procedure ?

I tested an update to jessie a fresh install of yunohost in a VM
The update was interrupted by a file system full /

It seems that the yunohost basic installation with / 2,5Go be underestimated.

Here is the method used:

apt-get update
apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade



This text was translated by google translate, the French original is included following

I raised a new update to jessie, but before I moved /var/cache to save space.

I also creates a temporary user.
The admin user is unavailable during the update.
This may be very annoying if you must reconnect to the server during the upgrade.

I installed screen, the screen use allows me to keep my open session.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen.

Then I restarted the system and did some tests.
My test platform is fully operational. :slight_smile:

As a side note the space on / is extremely small, about 100MB.
Knowing that on yunohost basic installation there is no partition /var, and /tmp separated.

Here is the procedure used.

** Update ** Jessie

mv /var/cache /home/cache
ln -s /home/cache /var/cache

apt-get update
apt-get install screen

Modified /etc/aptt/source.list (for jessie)

Creation user backup “zz”
[Root @ yunohost] etc # useradd -g zz 27 -m
[Root @ yunohost] # password etc zz

ssh zz@
sudo -i
apt-get update
apt-get install screen
apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade


J’ai relancé une nouvelle mise à jour vers jessie, mais avant j’ai déplacé /var/cache pour gagner de la place.

J’ai également crée un utilisateur temporaire.
L’utilisateur admin étant indisponible pendant la mise à jour.
Ceci peut-être très gênant si on doit se reconnecter au serveur pendant l’upgrade.

J’ai installé screen, l’usage de screen me permet de garder ma session ouverte, voir https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen.

J’ai ensuite redémarré le système et fait quelques tests.
Ma plate-forme de test est parfaitement opérationnelle.

En remarque l’espace sur / est extrêmement réduit, environ 100Mo.
Sachant que sur installation de base de yunohost il n’y a pas de partition /var et /tmp séparée.

Voici le mode opératoire utilisé.

Mise à jour en Jessie
mv /var/cache /home/cache
ln -s /home/cache /var/cache
apt-get update
apt-get install screen

modif /etc/pat/source.list (pour jessie)

Creation user de secours “zz”
[root@yunohost] etc # useradd zz -g 27 -m
[root@yunohost] etc # password zz

ssh zz@
sudo -i
apt-get update
apt-get install screen
apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade


apt-get dist-upgrade

