Upgrade and LDAP

After sucessufull upgrade to Yunohost (stable) I have this message:

The configuration file '/etc/ldap/slapd.ldif' has been manually modified and will not be updated

All is running fine… My only question is that I never modified something about LDAP!

Maube an App?

Have a nice day.

hi aris,
have the same question here, … no idea at all,
does it talk to anyone around here?
see u.

on my side, I tried to see what is exactly the difference and I discovered that the file has been removed…
you can try to see the differences:
sudo yunohost tools regen-conf -d slapd

and, to use the one from the Official Yunohost (rather than ‘mine’):
sudo yunohost tools regen-conf -f slapd

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This resolved the problem of slapd.ldif not being updated…
No more error message, and LDAP config updated with succes.