What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0
Describe your issue
I just upgraded to YH 12. Previously, the main domain I use with YH (example.com) was reachable via the internet, but now it is not. I can only reach it on my LAN. Any ideas? Thank you.
when I am on my LAN, I can reach the yunohost admin page by entering but when I click on “User Interface”, I am unable to reach it and get error code 522 (connection timed out).
When I am on the internet/WAN, I cannot reach the SSO portal when typing example.com into a browser. I also get error code 522 (connection timed out)
From the terminal, I can do nslookup example.com
nslookup example.com
You can check the diagnosis in the webadmin > Diagnosis > there should be a green button “Share with Yunopaste” (it should anonymize IP and domain in the generated paste)