Upcoming changes in Galene: galenectl

Hello @ericg, hello to all.

There are some changes in Galene master that are going to have some impact on the Yunohost packaging. The galene-password-generator utility no longer exists, its functionality is now subsumed by galenectl. So you whenever you call galene-password-generator in your scripts, you will now need to call galenectl hash-password.

The other thing that you might want to do at some point is set up a ~/.config/galene/galenectl.json configuration file, so that those users who are comfortable with the command line can use galenectl. Currently, this file needs to contain the administrator password in clear, so perhaps you want to wait until I’ve finalised token support.

For more information, please see [Galene] Announce: galenectl - Juliusz Chroboczek.


Thanks @jch for the update.
Will you creat a news release version tag soon or do you wait for the finalised token support first?

Probably the former, since I’m not yet sure what global tokens will look like.

@ericg, Galene 0.95 is out, with galenectl included. I’ve written up my design for global tokens at https://lists.galene.org/galene/87ikrvfzdm.wl-jch@irif.fr/, I’d be grateful if you could comment.

Just to be clear: directly modifying the JSON files while Galene is running is still supported, so you can safely upgrade to 0.95 without changing your scripts. The only change is that instead of calling galene-password-generator, you’ll be calling galenectl hash-password.

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Thanks for the notice, Galène has been updated successfully

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