Unable to upgrade to Debian Buster and Yunohost 4x

2021-03-02 19:36:46,912: WARNING - /dev/disk/by-id/ata-KINGSTON_SA400S37240G_50026B778253D15C does not exist, so cannot grub-install to it!
2021-03-02 19:36:46,913: WARNING - You must correct your GRUB install devices before proceeding:
2021-03-02 19:36:46,913: WARNING - 
2021-03-02 19:36:46,914: WARNING -   DEBIAN_FRONTEND=dialog dpkg --configure grub-pc
2021-03-02 19:36:46,914: WARNING -   dpkg --configure -a
2021-03-02 19:38:59,039: WARNING - Errors were encountered while processing:
2021-03-02 19:38:59,040: WARNING -  grub-pc

That error sounds similar to Update Errors, also on fix commands!

You should run sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text dpkg --configure -a and probably select /dev/sda … (though difficult to be 100% sure)

Also please run rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sury.list as advised previously to get rid of a bunch of warnings …