I was working on my app, everything was going fine, but at some point, I did something that Yunohost did not like, and I can’t remove my app anymore :
$ sudo yunohost app remove mlmmj
Info : Suppression de mlmmj...
Info : L'opération 'Enlever l'application 'mlmmj'' a échoué ! Pour obtenir de l'aide, merci de partager le journal de l'opération en utilisant la commande 'yunohost log share 20240126-010442-app_remove-mlmmj'
Erreur : This app is likely pretty old and uses deprecated / outdated helpers that can't be migrated easily. It can't be installed anymore.
Here are the logs
My package is here, I’m not sure to understand which part is outdated, and in which script (install? remove? another one?)