Unable to open NextCloud after installation


Today I decided to install the NextCloud application to use it and to learn more about it.
The installation seemed to be ok, but now that I want to open the NextCloud link, I am getting the following error:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.

More details can be found in the server log.

Technical details

Remote Address: [data]
Request ID: [data]

This is happening of the following link (after login if not already logged in): https://[sub-domain].nohost.me/nextcloud/index.php/apps/files/

Did you also face this problem in the past?

do you have any more info in the application logs?
Go into yunohost/applications/Nextcloud/display application logs (or whatever it’s called in english) and past what you have in php and nginx logs.

Humm ok, thank you @Krakinou.
Is there any recommendation somewhere about which data in general to anonymise before copy / paste logs on public forum?

IP and addresses, there shouldn’t be anything else.

Here are the logs :wink:


Nothing there…
If you have command line access, try posting results of
tail -n 100 /home/yunohost.app/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log

You may have to adapt the path, I don’t have access to my instance right now and I don’t remember the exact home folder path.

Here is the result of the tail command:

ps: no need to adapt the path, you do remember the home folder path, well done :wink:

Well… Unfortunately I don’t see anything that could help me understand what’s happening to your nextcloud.
Did you tweak anything?
If you just installed it, I would recommend delete and resintall the app, this may be the easiest way :slight_smile:

No. Only using the Internet cube. Is that tweaking? (I hope not).

let’s go for that! :slight_smile:

Apparently doing that way solves the issue!?

Thank you :slight_smile: