Unable to locate package nextcloud-ynh-deps

Hello everyone, hoping someone can help me out with this one

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Hetzner dedicated server
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

After upgrading to Bullseye, Nextcloud cannot update to 24.0.5~ynh1. The error message is “Unable to locate package nextcloud-ynh-deps” but “sudo apt search nextcloud-ynh-deps” finds the package. I also restarted my server just to be extra sure.

Here is the log

The actual error message is:

2022-10-04 09:20:12,184: DEBUG - + sudo -u nextcloud php8.0 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ --no-interaction --no-ansi app:enable mail
2022-10-04 09:20:12,381: DEBUG - App "Mail" cannot be installed because it is not compatible with this version of the server.

That was it! I updated the Mail App to the latest versions and the update went through.

Thanks :blush:

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