I’ve been using Yunohost without issue for almost three years for single user apps (miniflux, notes etc), but this month I decided to try using BBS software.
I’ve been trying to install flarum, but I keep hitting a wall.
My YunoHost server
Hardware: I’m on a vps I bought online from ethernetservers.com YunoHost version: 11.2.27 (stable) I have access to my server : Through SSH, Terminal, Webadmin Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no If yes, please explain: If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Flarum
Current version: 1.8.5~ynh1
Description of my issue
The installation starts normally, and I can confirm that there is plenty of space available on my vps. I also increased the available ram / memory to be more than 1gb, so I would not need to make a swap file (because I think my VPS does not allow for that and uses VSwap instead). But it still seems to error out.
Would appreciate any help you’re able to offer! I tried the other software, but Nodebbs and Discourse don’t seem to be as light as I’d like. It’s either this or phpbb, but this one seems more modern and in active development.
Eeeeeh wokay, well “openvz” is definitely something “unusual” i guess … I don’t know much about it but it always felt like it’s something closer to something like an LXC rather than an actual “virtual machine” … so not surprised that swap cannot be mounted
The lsblk -f is puzzling because we’re supposed to see the filesystem type in there but it’s not really listed ? …
Anyway … naively you could try to “workaround” the whole swap thing (assuming you do have a significant amount of RAM otherwise the build we likely fail because lack of RAM) using this kind of ugly hack: