Unable to connect to nextcloud after clean install and manual data backup

I upgraded my nextcloud to version 29.0.4~ynh2. That didn’t work.
And it seemed like the SD card was corrupted so I bought a new one.
Then I did a clean install and tried to do an automatic backup, but that somehow did not update the database. So instead I now have done a manual restore of just the database and that seems to have worked. Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, my client apps can no longer connect to it.

I’m able to see all my data back via web login, but when I try to connect to it via any other means, I’m getting errors that the server cannot be found or receive an unknown error.

What logs should I look at?

My YunoHost server

Hardware: RPi 4
YunoHost version: 11.2.28
I have access to my server : yes
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : yes
If yes, please explain: Manually backed up my nextcloud database as regular one didn’t work through mysql -h [server] -u [username] -p[password] nextcloud < db.sql as described here.
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: nextcloud 29.0.5~ynh1

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Yeeeeeah that < was meant to be >, you just performed all the commands in db.sql on the database x_x

IDK, perhaps there’s occ command to rebuild the DB if you don’t have a recent backup?

No, that’s very unlikely.
On the website everything is working fine.
All the data is back.

And this command was copy-pasted from nextcloud’s maintenance manual as one can find here

Calendar, contacts, chat logs.
All the data is up on the server end,
but I’m unable to connect to it other than via the web.

Can you access your nextcloud server in a private window without logging in the yunohost portal? If not, check that nextcloud and nextcloud api are allowed for visitors in users >groups and permissions

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Can you access your nextcloud server in a private window without logging in the yunohost portal?

No and I can’t see the default star at my app, so I’m not sure if it is.

My domain has a ‘default’ star.

No star

Everyone has access to nextcloud and nextcloud api, so that should not be an issue I believe

error message

$ sudo yunohost app makedefault nextcloud -d mydomain.tld
Info: The operation 'Update configuration for domain 'mydomain.tld'' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20240827-132933-domain_config_set-mydomain.tld' to get help
Info: The operation 'Make 'nextcloud' the default app' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20240827-132933-app_makedefault-nextcloud' to get help
Error: Unable to make 'nextcloud' the default app on the domain, 'mydomain.tld' is already in use by 'nextcloud'

Should be “visitors” not “all users”

Enfin !
Ça marche encore !

I’m a bit confused though, what’s the difference between visitors and all users and why should visitors be able to have access to nextcloud and nextcloud api?

It’s working now by the way, but I’m asking just to be sure that I’m not creating any security risks.

With all users permission : to get access to the app, authentication on the yunohost portal is required. So if you send a link to someone who doesn’t have an account on your server, he won’t be able to open it. The same thing for nextcloud desktop and mobile apps, if your nextcloud server is set only on the all users permission, when it tries to access NC server, it will see the yunohost portal before, but these apps can’t communicate with it, they expect to see the NC login page not the yunohost login portal.
For visitors permissions, anyone on the Internet can have direct access to it. But since nextcloud requires authentication, only users that have accounts on it will be able to access it.
I tried to simplify it as I could.
You can view the behaviour of every app on your server by opening its link with a private browser window.


Merci, many thanks

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