Unable to connect to jellyfin from Android - port closed

What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.10
What app is this about: Jellyfin

Describe your issue

I installed Jellyfin and uae default.ports (non https). However the android app cannot connect.

Ports under firewall are open.

Other aps from android (like Home Assistant) can connect fine.

Port scanning show port is apparently closed

Share relevant logs or error messages


Hi papanito,

I see jf.local in your screenshot, so I suppose there is no other firewall involved, and there is no router/NAT/VPN to deal with.

Can you connect to this port on the command line from your server itself? At first at localhost /, secondly at its external interface? Any difference using a domain name or an IP?

Sanity check: the service is running and no errors in diagnosis?

Exactly no router involved.

Can you connect to this port on the command line from your server itself? At first at localhost /,

admin@yuno:~ $ curl localhost:8095
admin@yuno:~ $ curl localhost:8096
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8096 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server

Any difference using a domain name or an IP?

Currently I only access it from internally it’s not connected.

I meant instead of localhost (and if localhost gave any reaction, connecting to ‘yuno’ and its IP).

It takes quite a strict firewall to have no answer via localhost. Any “proof” Jellyfin is actually running? Is it an option to reconfigure it, to try another port?

Same, connection 40 port 8095 is ok

And yes it’s running, can connect via browser just fine

Oh, that may be obvious to you, but this is new information for readers of this forum. Implications:

  • there is no reason to waste time troubleshooting closed ports
  • there is no reason to waste time troubleshooting the Jellyfin installation
  • there is no reason to question the firewall settings (or other settings) on Yunohost

The Jellyfin docs seem to imply that when using nginx as a reverse proxy (as we do on Yunohost), it uses websockets for the endpoints.

It seems websocket support for curl is either new, or optional. Therefor, curl may be sub-optimal to troubleshoot this issue.

Seeing the proportions of the screenshot, it seems a screenshot from an app on Android. Is that on the same phone as the phone that has trouble connecting to Jellyfin?

Do you have access to another Android device for testing? Or, do you have access to another Jellyfin server to test with your current device?

There seems to be a number of apps available that can do something with Jellyfin. I don’t expect switching apps makes a difference at this point, but you never know.

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Yes tried different phones, same problem. Access to web ui works fine.

Also enabled SSL with self-signed certificate, also no change.

Well tried it also, same error.

Also ran this, not sure about the result

[nix-shell:~]$ websocat ws://jf.local
websocat: WebSocketError: WebSocketError: Redirected (301 Moved Permanently) to https://jf.local/
websocat: error running

[nix-shell:~]$ websocat ws://jf.local:8095


[nix-shell:~]$ websocat wss://jf.local:8096
websocat: WebSocketError: Connection refused (os error 111)
websocat: error running

All not too helpful indeed :frowning:

What does that show when running it against localhost and

I’m not familiar with Jellyfin. Does the interface presented in the browser implement a Javascript player that connects in the same way, and to the same service, as an Android app would do?

If so, I’d imagine that the web-player connects to localhost. Is there any configuration to edit before Jellyfin starts offering a connection at non-local netwerk interfaces?