Unable to boot into Yunohost ISO

I’m running on an HP EliteBook laptop. I’ve followed the guide from the YunoHost Install page. Had to go the Ventoy route to flash on my USB (64Gb Verbatim) as my laptop wasn’t liking the Balena flash.

Got to the MOK Manager and enrolled the proper key.

SecureBoot was off from trying to get the Balena image to work, so when it went into Ventoy, it gave me an alert that SecureBoot was off, but let me pass anyway.

Ventoy shows “yunohost-bullseye-11.0.9-amd64-stable.iso”. Next screen, I select “Boot in grub2 mode”, then it goes back to the previous screen.

I thought SecureBoot was to blame, so I turned that back on and came to the same cycle.

Not sure what is causing this, but I’m stuck.

Otherwise if the iso image does not work, you can install the official debian 11 image and then do as root

curl https://install.yunohost.org | bash
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Yea, from all the searching on this issue I’ve done, it looks like I’m just gonna have to go the Debian route.

Will Deb12 work for this too? Or does it have to be 11?

Debian 11 if you want to install the latest YH stable version
Debian 12 if you want to test the alpha candidate. See

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