Two domains, two nextcloud installation, only one app in ACLs

What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.11
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin

Describe your issue

I’ve configure in my YH two domains; all work as expected, apart that i need some sort of mild isolation of the two domains (eg, different account and apps).

I’ve installed so two instances of nextcloud, and all work as expected. Cool.

Then i’ve created two group (all_users_domain1 and all_users_domain2) and tried to assign apps of one domain only to the specific group. But i cant.

If i look at all_users group, i can see that there’s two instances of Nextcloud (4 considering api), but two are named, two nameless (i can hoover over it).
But if i try to add app to the new group, there’s only one ‘Nextcloud’ app (again; two considering api), the one of the first domain.

I hope i was clear. Thanks.

Share relevant logs or error messages


I’ve found that i cannot paste images. Sorry…

OK, nothing, forgive me.

Probably a javascript issue, restarting the broiwser fixed all the issue.
