Trouble upgrading SnappyMail to 2.36.3~ynh2

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online / Old laptop or computer / Raspberry Pi at home / Internet Cube with VPN / Other ARM board / …
YunoHost version: 11.2.22
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | …
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: SnappyMail 2.36.3~ynh2

Description of my issue

I have been running SnappyMail SnappyMail 2.36.3~ynh1 for some time, recently there was an update to SnappyMail 2.36.3~ynh2 but unfortunaly it failed spectacularly!

Here is the log of the failed update:

Here is the log of the failed backup: (not sure if this is relevant)

Fortunaltley I was able to restore from another backup. (restic)

Has anyone elese had this issue.

Best wishes



Problem solved… Not by me, but by the excellent volunteers who make this possible. A new SnappyMail 2.36.3~ynh3 has been made available. Whew!!

Again many thanks


I’ve uninstalled, then reinstalled Snappymail, it’s ok now

I am having exactly the same problem, but with the v2.36.3~ynh2 version and trying to update to the v2.36.3~ynh3 version!

The update process trouble starts with “php8.3-gmagick : Conflicts: php-imagick”, then the same dependencies cannot be installed.

I am in trouble on my side, because now trying to launch SnappyMail, either on user or admin mode, is getting me only to a “403 Forbidden” nginx error :frowning:

Anyone has an idea to help?

I would gladly try to uninstall and reinstall the app, but will it erase all my settings in the process or will my data be kept?

[UPDATE] Nevermind, I found a working fix here: [Snappymail] Unable to upgrade

As advised by @adlmr (a big thanks to him!), I typed the following instructions:

apt-get remove php-gmagick php-imagick
apt-get update
apt-get install php8.3-imagick

And then, the update went flawlessly, and SnappyMail was working normally :slight_smile:


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