[Traggo] Self-hosted time tracking

Traggo for YunoHost

Integration level Working status Maintenance status
Install Traggo with YunoHost


Traggo is a tag-based time tracking tool. In Traggo there are no tasks, only tagged time spans.

With tags, Traggo tries to be as customizable as possible, for example if you work on different projects you could add a project-tag. If you like to see statistics from the different things you do, you could add a type-tag with values like email, programming, meeting. You can do it just as you like.


  • easy to setup
  • time tracking (obviously)
  • customizable dashboards with diagrams
  • a list and calendar view of the tracked time
  • sleek web ui with multiple themes
  • simple user management

Shipped version: 0.2.3~ynh1


Screenshot of Traggo

Documentation and resources


Hello, this looks promising.
Do you know how does it compare to tools like Toggl for example?


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I’m trying to log in using my admin user and the password I have provided but it doesn’t work. Any idea why?


I just installed and having the same issue.

I can’t reproduce the issue. Can you open an issue in the app repository with logs and installation details?

I think I figured out the problem or at least the problem in my case. During installation, it would only let me select my root domain instead of making a subfolder. It broke login for my entire system, but I uninstalled it and fixed that; now I’ll try again using a subdomain and report back if I have an issue again.

I’ve gone through a few times and I’m making a github issue now. It has to do with characters in the password which is in the logs, but nbd as I don’t reuse passwords.