Totally replacing youtube by invidious?

Hello, I’m currently trying to use invidious (the FDN instance) as much as possible, and i’d love to find a way to replace youtube by invidious. By replacing i mean transparently redirecting every url (embed content, direct urls, whatever) to its invidious counterpart. A DNS tweak or router redirection would not do the trick as it would not translate the yt url to the corresponding invidious one so that’s out. I found a script that does exactly what i want but it is only browser wide, is there a way to do the same network wide ?

Yo, j’utilise de plus en plus invidious (chez FDN) et je voudrais remplacer totalement YT par invidious. Soit traduire automatiquement les urls, embed, liens et autres en équivalent invidious. Une bidouille DNS ou une redirection depuis le routeur ne fonctionnerait pas (je pense), mais j’ai trouvé un script qui ferait exactement le taf, navigateur par navigateur… Est-il possible de déployer un tel truc sur tout mon réseau ?

Interresting use case. It seems a bit difficult cause you are not So you can’t configure a domain on your server and make a redirection cause you won’t be able to do this without generating a TLS error (without adding manually the CA certificate of your server).

Another limitation of this domain redirection stuff would be that a direct youtube link to a video would not redirect to the same video’s invidious page…

I stumbled across this one too, might be interesting to make it a YNH app : GitHub - SimonBrazell/privacy-redirect: A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives.

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