Hardware: core i7 with gigabyte motherboard installed ESXi 6.7.0 update2
**YunoHost version: (stable)
**I have access to my server: through the web admin | direct access via keyboard/screen via ESXi web panel | and through Putty.
I have been installed nextCloud from Yunohost server more than two months ago and it’s working perfectly, suddenly I’m facing this error since yesterday and can’t find any way to solve this error or can’t understand the issue. I couldn’t find much online that actually worked so I was hoping somebody here to help me to solve this issue.
The server was unable to complete your request.
If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator.
More details can be found in the server log.
Technical details
**Remote Address**: --.--.--.--(my public ip)
**Request ID**: CW7mBsJVRPL*******
So that’s why you have the issue. You need to set the good permission on your files:
Whith this command you can identify unix permissions issues:
namei -l /home/yunohost.app/nextcloud/data/
And you can use the command chmod and chown to fix the permission. The error message seems to says that you have no write permission on data folder, so you can try something like:
Next time you should backup and restore with a tool that conserve those permissions like cp -a or rsync -aAXW.
Note: with yunohost it’s sometimes possible to reapply permissions for an app thanks to the upgrade command:
yunohost app upgrade --force nextcloud
But this last command could also failed, it depends exactly of the way you restored things, sometimes the script could failed cause we don’t imagine things could be like you restore it manually.
I agree with @jarod5001 , and please explain what you have tried precisely, because at this step i can’t know if you applied my commands and what was the result of each command…
In the webadmin go to services > nginx
Look for the log named by the domain name of your nextcloud installation followed by ‘error’
Copy the last lines here.
We’ll start with it