The current state of sign-in into Peertube directly from Yunohost Peertube tile

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: YunoHost 4.1.8
Peertube version: 3.1.0~ynh5

I have access to my server : Through SSH and through the Yunohost webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : yes

Peertube version: 3.1.0~ynh5 as public install. I have installed also the plugin; auth-ldap 0.0.10

Description of my issue


My selfhosted Yunohost is in:

My selfhosted Peertube (installed with Yunohost) is in:

Both domains are in same VPS and domains are managed by selfhosted Yunohost. The DNS is handled by external domain providers.

My question is:

When in, logged in as a normal (not-admin) yunohost user, and pressing the Peertube Tile;

==> Should it login directly to Peertube-instance or is there still a need to manually input username and password ?

I am asking because the current/latest state of working/operation is not quite clear to me even after gone through many items.

My own tries:

I followed the emailed instructions;

This is an automated message from your beloved YunoHost server.

Specific information for the application peertube.

peertube was successfully installed :slight_smile:

Please open your peertube domain:

The admin username is: root
The admin password is: ihaveintentionallyobfuscatedthis

To make PeerTube Live available, you also need to make the TCP port 1935 available from internet (For example, opening the port on your ISP box if it’s not automatically done).

To enable LDAP authentication open
Complete with the following informations :

  • URL: ldap://
  • Insecure TLS : checked
  • Search base : ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org
    All YunoHost users will be allowed to login as peertube user.

If you are facing any problem or want to improve this app, please open a new issue here: GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/peertube_ynh: Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P for YunoHost

But there are actually more settings parameters in the plugin:

plugin auth-ldap

Auth weight

Starting with ldap:// or ldaps://

Insecure TLS

Path to LDAP Server Certificate Chain of Trust

Bind DN

Bind Password

Search base

Search filter

Mail property

Mail property index

If you have many results for the email attribute, you may define the index of the result to pick:

Username property

Group base
Fill the following settings to map PeerTube roles to LDAP Groups. LDAP users without any valid LDAP group will be refused login. Leave empty to let LDAP users join with default User role.

Group filter

Administrator group DN

Moderator group DN

User group DN

… so instead of using this summer for the correct parameters settings lottery, I am asking if anyone have actually got this succesfully up to a point of: direct sign-in to Peertube with yunohost normal user from the yunohost Peertube tile ?

To check that the given instructions are not totally off I made the following command in the VPS ssh-command-shell:

ldapsearch -LLL -D cn=admin,dc=yunohost,dc=org -W -b dc=yunohost,dc=org uid=heretheusernamepartofuseremail

… and it did find the user. So maybe the goal of direct sign-in from the tile is not impossible ?

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