Stuck on the message "Hashing your password, this might take some time.", bloqué sur le message "Traitement de vos identifiants, cela peut nécessiter quelques instants."

What type of hardware are you using: Server (Hetzner)
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.6 (same problem occurs in 11.30 version)
What app is this about: Cryptpad

Describe your issue

When I login into Cryptpad, it stucks on the message / Quand on se loggue sur Cryptpad, la page reste bloqué sur le message :

“Hashing your password, this might take some time.”,
“Traitement de vos identifiants, cela peut nécessiter quelques instants.”

This happens whatever account I use (admin, not admin, other …)
Cela advient quelque soit le compte utilisé (admin, pas admin, un autre compte encore)

I didn’t try with a new account. Je n’ai pas essayé avec un nouveau compte.

Share relevant logs or error messages

maybe this can help :

2024-11-10T15:52:54.125909+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:818
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126000+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: throw err;
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126033+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: ^
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126063+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: Error: Cannot find module ‘node:path’
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126092+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: Require stack:
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126123+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: - /var/www/cryptpad/lib/eviction.js
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126153+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: - /var/www/cryptpad/lib/workers/db-worker.js
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126181+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:815:15)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126210+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:667:27)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126239+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126268+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126298+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Object. (/var/www/cryptpad/lib/eviction.js:6:12)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126327+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:999:30)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126369+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Object.Module._extensions…js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126400+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126428+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14)
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126456+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19) {
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126485+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: code: ‘MODULE_NOT_FOUND’,
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126512+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: requireStack: [
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126539+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: ‘/var/www/cryptpad/lib/eviction.js’,
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126567+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: ‘/var/www/cryptpad/lib/workers/db-worker.js’
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126596+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: ]
2024-11-10T15:52:54.126624+00:00 logakoi npm[3672824]: }

The only information I found was this message about a problem with rights/permissions on folders / Seule information trouvée : ce message évoquant un problème de droits / permission sur les dossiers
Problem during signup to CryptPad - #6 by aiisreaq - Website - Garuda Linux Forum

Edit : more information on the checkup :


I ask for help in the Cryptpad’s forum.
It seems that the NodeJS version is outdated (and so is the version of cryptpad).

  • How can I check the Cryptpad version used in the testing channel ?
  • if I install the testing version, is this one overwrite the version I already have or is this gonna be a new service ?

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