Stirling-pdf --> Error HTTP error! status: 413 [ RESOLU ]

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.07
What app is this about: stirling-pdf

Describe your issue

When we try to make some operations with stirling-pdf, the message " Error HTTP error! status: 413 " is displayed. On the official site ( Stirling PDF ) there is no problem. I found that is maybe the “upload size for NGINX” .
I think the solution is perhaps at the end of this page ( faq : GitHub - Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF: #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files ) but I don’t now how make the changes on nginx ( domain or on the sub-domain where is the app installed ).
The correction can perhaps be a part of the next update of the app ?

Share relevant logs or error messages

Error HTTP error! status: 413

When we try to make some operations with stirling-pdf

Please, share proper logs and explain what you mean by some operations so we can reproduce the issue.

The app is in french, then I’ll give the Options in french.

I tried these actions, that give the error, on a pdf file :

  • Modifier les métadonnées
  • Assainir
  • Redimensionner
  • Réparer

But “view” the PDF file works fine

When I close the error message and I clic again on the same screen, then the app seems to run indefinitly but without the message "error … 413 ".

Here the logs : hastebin

If clic again on the same page after delete the error message

I tried with another files and these works when they are < 1MB.
I think this is the solution because the size of the files I tried

I added in the stirling configuration file ( in the sub directory where sterling is installed ) the line “client_max_body_size 10M; # Increase limit to 10MB” and it works now.

nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/stirling.DOMAIN.TLD.d/stirling-pdf.conf

  1. and add the line

client_max_body_size 10M; # Increase limit to 10MB

     ( change 10M with your value )
  1. and no need to restart just

nginx -s reload

I’m not an expert and I don’t now if it is a good idea to change to 10M ( the file with error that I tried was 1,1M ), perhaps change to 5M ?
I let the devs discuss for the “ideal” size and then perhaps put it by default on the install off stirling ?


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