Still possible to install yunohost on Debian 11?

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 11
How are you able to access your server: SSH

Describe your issue


  • Distant server x86
  • Access with SSH

My migration from Debian 11 to 12 and the new yunohost version is buggy (can’t load sso user portal).

I want to rollback, reinstalling Debian 11.11 and restore previous yunohost system backup (which was done on Debian 11).

Before I wipe the server, I wanted to test on a VM, but yunohost seems to run only on Debian 12.

=> Is it possible to download the Debian 11 version of Yunohost package ? If yes, where can I find it ?

Thank you

### Share relevant logs or error messages
[FAIL] Yunohost is only available for the version 12 (Bookworm) of Debian, you are using '11.11'.


You can find old images on Index of /images/releases_archive/


=> Is it possible to download the Debian 11 version of Yunohost package ? If yes, where can I find it ?

I read too quickly :sweat_smile:
Do you want the installation script or the iso?


Installation script :slight_smile:

I suspected as much, I asked the question while I was looking for the script! :sweat_smile:

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TY :smiley:

The semi-official link to bullseye install script is

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