Does anyone know of a static photo gallery similar to MinigalNano GitHub - sebsauvage/MinigalNano ?
I use MinigalNano in a My webapp folder and love it but since I upgraded to YH 12 thumbnails aren’t generated anymore…
Thank you.
Does anyone know of a static photo gallery similar to MinigalNano GitHub - sebsauvage/MinigalNano ?
I use MinigalNano in a My webapp folder and love it but since I upgraded to YH 12 thumbnails aren’t generated anymore…
Thank you.
Oh, it hasn’t been updated since 8 years.
I had a look at a demo site (that is still running), it looks very similar to lychee with some config adjustments but with swipe support (for mobile).
The github repo talks about php5.
Here is a list of good alternatives :
Have a look at them, they have demos. And tell us which one is good for your case and if you really love it why not packaging it
Thank you, I will have a look at them this evening.
@Knah-Tsaeb on Github GitHub - sebsauvage/MinigalNano solved my problem, I had to install php-gd to generate the thumbnails.
So I will keep MinigalNano as I can’t find a good replacement and I like it, simple.