[Solved / Résolu] Nextcloud : multiple users on same machine : user see wrong nextcloud

English below


En me déconnectant puis en laissant un autre utilisateur se co, ce dernier voit mes fichiers nexcloud (l’inverse se produit aussi).

Est-ce dû à une mauvaise config ? Par défaut tous les users ont accès et l’interface admin indique qu’il n’y a pas d’instance multiple.

Merci d’avance pour le coup de main !

Hello, When I logoff and another user login on the same computer, the second user see the wrong Nexcloud (in this case my Nextcloud). The opposite case happens too.

Is it a wrong config ? All users get access to Nextcloud app and admin webpage show no Multiple instances.

Thank you in advance for your help !

There is a known bug that prevents from logging out from Nextcloud (a fix has just been submitted for approval)… Do you confirm you aren’t actually logged out (that could explain you still see the files!)?

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I wasn’t abble to logout on Nextcloud, however I loged out on the yunohost mainpage.

I thought logout on yunohost mainpage loged out all apps, but it seems not.

Thank you for your reply.