Hardware: Old laptop YunoHost version: I have access to my server : Through SSH
Description of my issue
I switched from a noho.st domain to my own domain. And as advised in the Nohost.me domains page of the manual, I deleted the /etc/cron.d/yunohost-dyndns.
And now, yunohost diagnosis complains that this file has been manually modified.
I noticed that @Aleks changed data/hooks/conf_regen/01-yunohost recently so I changed my local copy. I deleted data/hooks/conf_regen/01-yunohost. I forced the diagnosis, etc.
And every time, I get the same answer! This is getting me crazy!
Uuuuuh wut … I hope you don’t mean that you yolocopied some file from the github repo to your own server … That’s not how it works … The current git repo corresponds to the upcoming version 11.x and many things changed since then …
If the file got manually modified, you should try to run yunohost tools regen-conf yunohost --force (as explained by yunohost’s diagnosis iirc)
No, I’m a bit smarter than that — I edited the file with vim. But not too smart either: the local git copy I used (because it should be simpler than working remotely…) was stuck in 2021/09!
If the file got manually modified, you should try […]
Well, as advised by the manual page, I deleted it — a kind of modification, but that seemed to disturb the diagnosis!
I finally managed to remove this warning with the following steps — don’t know which ones were really needed
re-install the yunohost package: to clean my little changes to the files…
Info : Le fichier de configuration '/etc/cron.d/yunohost-dyndns' devait être supprimé par 'regen-conf' (catégorie yunohost) mais a été conservé.
status: unmanaged