[Solved] Baikal connexion issue


I recently decided to install Baikal to synchronize my calendar between my laptop (Thunderbird) and my phone (DAVx5).

The installation completed successfully, I was able to log in as admin and create a new user, a new calendar etc.

However, when trying to add the new calendar to my phone or to my laptop, it was always failing but without any error message.

After quite a long time, I realized that by default, Baikal is expecting a connection using LDAP. I changed it to “basic” and it is now working.

If it can help…



Many thanks ! it resolve my problem !


I’m taking advantage of this discussion because I can’t configure the connection using LDAP.

I’ve changed the value of the two dc attributes in the LDAP DN template field (by the way, I think I should also replace cn with displayname for the next field according to this : SSO/LDAP integration | Yunohost Documentation). With this, I no longer get Internal server error message with agendav, but I still can’t authenticate as a user.

I’ve tried the url https://mydavserver.com/dav.php but I can’t log in when I enter my credentials in the pop-up.

I must have missed something, but I can’t work out what.

Thanks in advance !

I have the same issue, no way to authenticate on https://mydavserver.com/dav.php whatever the authentication type I use.
And my LDAP users are not automatically visible in Baikal GUI.
I reinstalled Yunohost server from scratch but still does not work…

Well my understanding is that LDAP just does not work for Baïkal despite the app being level 8. I am not the only one with the same problem, it looks general.

By any chance, if it can help, I am running Yunohost on a Olinuxino-Lime.

I suggest you submit a new issue to the github page: Issues · YunoHost-Apps/baikal_ynh · GitHub if you really need the LDAP authentication.

Good luck.


Thank you for your reply.

Before creating a new issue on the github page, I wanted to make sure I hadn’t made a mistake in my configuration.

According to this : Baikal | Yunohost Documentation, the connection with the LDAP directory should work :

By default, Baïkal is configured to look for users in YunoHost’s LDAP directory. YunoHost’s users will appear under User and ressources menu after their first authentication.

What I didn’t manage to do was authenticate users for the first time.

If I don’t find a solution in a few weeks, I’ll file a bug report on github.

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Hi all

FWIW, after several months of tweaking and experiments, I also was not able to authenticate users in Baikal.

Good luck with the ticket and experiments, and let us know how it goes!

Hello everyone,

I’ve just updated Baikal to version 0.9.3~ynh4 and everything works. If I understood correctly, the problem was with PHP 8.2. In version 0.9.3~ynh4 PHP 8.1 is used.

For your information, you don’t need to modify the LDAP DN template field.

Now I’m trying to share calendars between users, but that’s another story :wink:


Great, thanks for your feedback @niconicoDT.

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