[SOLVED] 504 error when creating backup

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin

Describe your issue

After the last update, I have a pending migration to Debian Bookworm and Yunohost 12.
I thought of doing a system backup before the migration.

Initially, the backup wouldn’t work because I didn’t have enough space on my VPS.
Then, I bought space, and now what I’m receiving is a 504 Gateway Time Out with no logs.

The other posts that I’ve found sharing a similar issue have no answer.
I will share a couple of screenshot in case they can help identify the issue (even though they don’t really show much).

Share relevant logs or error messages

Typically that would be because the backups is huge and therefore takes a long time to be created, there isn’t any fix for this except possibly running this from the command line. In the future we aim to rework the way the webadmin communicates with the server to improve this kind of situation among other things

Oh, got it.

When I access via SSH, I can see a full backup, a very old corrupted one, and then another backup I tried to do the day before the full one which doesn’t load info at all.

Accessing via GUI to double check this info is impossible as in currently, when I navigate to the Backup page via Web Admin, the page just get stuck on a loading screen forever.

Any idea on how to unlock this situation?

The Backup GUI eventually loaded after a very long time.

So, fundamentally, the backup happened even though I received the timeout error? That’s probably something to investigate?

I believe the file is not corrupted because I got told (via SSH) that another backup was corrupted. This one instead is coming out clean both on GUI and SSH.

Yes, that’s not very intuitive but the operation keeps going on even if the client (the webadmin in your browser) cannot talk to the server … either because it timedout or because for example you’d close the browser tab

It’s kind of a feature (you don’t want the operation to stop in some intermediate state just because you closed the tab or lost internet connectivity) but it’s clearly a UX disaster in terms of UX that you can’t reopen a tab and see what the server is doing right now … We have plan to improve this, hopefully in a not-so-distant-future such as version 12.1

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Out of scope for the post, but can I download the backup via SSH?

Yes, using scp (copy over SSH), something like scp user@domain.tld:/home/yunohost.backup/archives/the_archive.tar ./

but now that i’m writing this, there might be a boring issue in which users (even admins) don’t have read permission in this folder ? Or maybe they do …

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